Poppy’s Story – Moving Forward Fund

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Young smiling black girl, sitting in her own flat, smiling whilst talking to a friend off camera.

Name and photo changed to protect identity. Poppy had previously lived with a partner and had their own tenancy but after a break up, Poppy found herself in a lot of debt, as all of the bills had been in her name. She saw coming to YMCA as a backward step initially and was reluctant…

Az’s Story – YMCA Mentoring

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Young man in a beanie hat, standing in street, smiling to camera.

Az initially sought support from the YMCA following a stroke and subsequent rehabilitation at West Park Hospital. Upon referral, AZ articulated her need for assistance in employment seeking and confidence-building, addressing her struggles with depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. She also disclosed the challenges stemming from an abusive past relationship, including family exclusion, fertility issues,…

Zanko’s Story

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Zanko arrived in the UK after fleeing from Iran in 2021 at the age of 16. Due to his age he was picked up by Children’s Services and placed with a foster family where he thrived and became part of the family, speaking very little English, Zanko was enrolled on an ESOL course. When Zanko…

Volunteers Dig Deep to Transform Dudley Garden

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Highland Road’s garden has enjoyed a little TLC from local volunteers from Dudley Society of Artists. Terry, who is a regular volunteer offered his services to provide a relaxing and secluded space for residents to hang out in. The staff and residents of Highland Road have been working on the garden for several months, planting…

Phillis’ Story

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Older lady smiling whilst opening the door to a community centre.

Our team started working with Phillis after YMCA took over Making Connections from Accord Housing. When Rue our Making Connections Project Worker, first met Phillis she seemed down and in low mood. Phillis told me us that since her husband died she found it hard to find things to help get her out her flat….

Steven’s Story

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Smiling older man looking thoughtfully into the distance.

Steven came to The Glebe Centre whilst he was rough sleeping in Walsall. He explained to the team he had previously been living at a local housing shelter but had been asked to leave because he “had shouted at staff and had kicked in a door that cost them £400”. Steven disclosed during his assessment,…

Mark’s Story

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Man smiling, enjoying a cup of tea at YMCA

When Mark first approached our Making Connections project in Walsall, he was very low, he hadn’t long lost his companion, was already suffering with depression which meant that Mark had let his living conditions decline to a point where he would not eat as fear of entering his festering kitchen.

Ys Girls Mixer

Posted by & filed under Latest News, News & Events, Project News, Youth.

                  Last week young people and mentors attended YMCA City Gateway for monthly mentor/Mentee mixer as part of our Y’s Girls Mentoring programme. Offering both young people and volunteers the opportunity to get to know each other and engage in group activities. The session was attended by…